Cante! é um programa grátis, que transforma seu computador em um super Karaokê!
Faça o download e comece a se divertir!

Fixing a hole
(The Beatles)
Você pode cantar essa música gratuitamente, direto no seu Micro, utilizando o Karaokê Cante!
You can sing this song for free in your computer, with your exclusive free karaoke computer software named cante! (stands for "sing" in portuguese)
Com o Cante! você pode cantar 3 Doors Down e muito mais!
I’m fixing a hole
where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go.
I’m filling in the cracks
that ran through the door
And kept my mind from wandering
Where it will go.
And it really doesn’t matter
if I’m wrong I’m right
Where I belong I’m right
Where I belong.
See the people standing there who
Disagree and never win
And wonder why they
don’t get in my door.
I’m painting the room
in a colorful way
And when my mind is wandering
There I will go.
Uh uh uh ah ah yeah yeah eh eh eh
And it really doesn’t matter
if I’m wrong I’m right
Where I belong I’m right
Where I belong.
Silly people run around they
worry me and never ask me
why they don’t get past my door.
I’m taking the time
for a number of things
That weren’t important yesterday
And I still go.
uh uh uh uh oh
I’m fixing a hole
where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go
Where it will go
Fixing a hole
where the rain gets in
stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go