Cante! é um programa grátis, que transforma seu computador em um super Karaokê!
Faça o download e comece a se divertir!

(Status Quo)
Você pode cantar essa música gratuitamente, direto no seu Micro, utilizando o Karaokê Cante!
You can sing this song for free in your computer, with your exclusive free karaoke computer software named cante! (stands for "sing" in portuguese)
Com o Cante! você pode cantar 3 Doors Down e muito mais!
If you want to turn me onto
Anything you really want to
Turn me onto your love, sweet love
If the nighttime is the right time
And anytime of yours is my time
We can find time for love, sweet love
Come on sweet Caroline
You´re my sweet Caroline
You know I want to take you
I´ve really got to make you,
Come on sweet Caroline
Take my hand together we can rock n roll
When I´m thinking of you sleeping
I´m at home alone and weeping
Are you keeping your love, sweet love
Do you still care when I´m not there
Do you really wish I was there
Can I come there for love, sweet love
Come on sweet Caroline
You´re my sweet Caroline
You know I want to take you
I´ve really got to make you,
Come on sweet Caroline
Take my hand together we can rock n roll
If the nighttime is the right time
And anytime of yours is my time
We can find time for love, sweet love
Come on sweet Caroline
You´re my sweet Caroline
You know I want to take you
I´ve really got to make you,
Come on sweet Caroline
Take my hand together we can rock n roll