Cante! é um programa grátis, que transforma seu computador em um super Karaokê!

Faça o download e comece a se divertir!


One and one

(Robert Miles)

Você pode cantar essa música gratuitamente, direto no seu Micro, utilizando o Karaokê Cante!

You can sing this song for free in your computer, with your exclusive free karaoke computer software named cante! (stands for "sing" in portuguese)

Com o Cante! você pode cantar 3 Doors Down e muito mais!


The sky isn't always blue
The sun doesn't always shine
It's alright to fall apart sometimes
I am not always you
And you are not always mine
It's alright to fall apart sometimes
After all's said and done
One and one still is one
When we cry, when we laugh
I am half, you are half
A heart isn't always true
And I am not always fine
We both have an angry heart sometimes
After all's said and done
One and one still is one
When we cry, when we laugh
I am half, you are half
Look how far we have come
One and one still is..
One moon, one star
I love one we are
One friend, one life
One standing still in time
One moon, one star
I love one we are
One friend, one life
One standing still in time
After all's said and done
One and one still is one
When we cry, when we laugh
I am half, you are half
Look how far we have come
One and one still is one