Cante! é um programa grátis, que transforma seu computador em um super Karaokę!
Faça o download e comece a se divertir!

Bitter end
Vocę pode cantar essa música gratuitamente, direto no seu Micro, utilizando o Karaokę Cante!
You can sing this song for free in your computer, with your exclusive free karaoke computer software named cante! (stands for "sing" in portuguese)
Com o Cante! vocę pode cantar 3 Doors Down e muito mais!
Since we're feeling so anesthetised
In our comfort zone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home
We're running out of alibis
From the second of may
Reminds me of the summer time
On this winter's day
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end
Every step we take that's synchronized
Every broken bone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home
You shower me with lullabies
As you're walking away
Reminds me that it's killing time
On this fateful day
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end
(Everytime we're intercepted)
(Feels more like suicide)
(Slow and sad, come in silence)
(Arise a bitter mine)
See you at the bitter end
(I love to see you run around)
(And I can see you now)
(Running to me, arms wide out)
See you at the bitter end
(Come on and reach inside)
(Grab the gentleness inside)
(Heard a cry)
(Six months time)
See you at the bitter end
(In six months time)
(prepare the end)
See you at the bitter end