Cante! é um programa grátis, que transforma seu computador em um super Karaokê!
Faça o download e comece a se divertir!

Ready to run
(Dixie Chicks)
Você pode cantar essa música gratuitamente, direto no seu Micro, utilizando o Karaokê Cante!
You can sing this song for free in your computer, with your exclusive free karaoke computer software named cante! (stands for "sing" in portuguese)
Com o Cante! você pode cantar 3 Doors Down e muito mais!
When the train rolls by
I´m gonna be ready this time
When the boy gets that look in his eye
I´m gonna be ready this time
When my momma says I look good in white
I´m gonna be ready this time
Ready ready ready ready, ready to run
All I´m ready to do is have some fun
What´s all this talk about love
I feel the wind blow through my hair
I´m gonna be ready this time
I buy a ticket to anywhere
I´m gonna be ready this time
You see it feels like I´m starting to care
I´m gonna be ready this time
Ready ready ready ready, ready to run
All I´m ready to do is have some fun
What´s all this talk about love
I´m ready to run
I´m ready to run
Ready ready ready ready, ready to run
All I´m ready to do is have some fun
What´s all this talk about love
I´m ready to run
Ready to run
I´m ready to run
I´m ready to run
Oh, ready to run
Oh, ready to run
Oh, ready to run
I´m ready
Oh, ready to run, ooooh
I´m ready
Oh, ready to run, ooh